TO TRAVEL OR NOT TO TRAVEL? That's the question



That's the question

It has been more than a year since the first case that sparked this era. The most important thing we have to look after is our health and well-being. If doubt prevails, it is better not to travel. Our security has to be the priority, above all priorities.

Dominicans still cannot enter the Schengen States (about 30 countries in Europe) with a travel visa. Yes we can travel to the United States. Before planning a destination, we must find out if this country is open to people with a Dominican passport and travel permit. Many already allow us to arrive only by presenting a negative test upon arrival (it must be the type of test required by each country; generally PCR).

Many countries require us to previously fill out a health form that we must present to the migration authorities. It is important to arrive with it ready in order to avoid wasting time and inconvenience.

This is the part of the trip where you should be most careful. Follow the signs that tell us to keep your distance. Have disinfectant wipes and antibacterial gel on hand. The mask is mandatory everywhere, so it is a good idea to take more than one, depending on the time of the trip. It is very important to arrive early, and be patient, so that no end is left loose and you can take care of your hygiene and safety without being in a hurry.

The environment on the plane is much safer than in many other crowded places. The planes have established an unprecedented cleaning protocol. The use of masks is completely mandatory; They have dismounted people from the plane for not wanting to use them. The plane staff asks us to get up from the seats only when you have to go to the bathroom. And the food and drink service is very limited. It is good to buy water before boarding (once you have passed security) and bring your own food to eat during the flight.

HEPA air filters are equipment that clean the air we breathe on airplanes. These change all the air inside the cabin every 3 or 4 minutes and eliminate germs and bacteria that may be present with 98 / 99% effectiveness. Airplane air can be cleaner than what we breathe on a daily basis in our cities. In addition, it generally circulates in a horizontal direction, which allows you to be next to a stranger, and not necessarily exchange the air you breathe.

It has always been very safe to fly. For the physical safety of people, the rate of aeronautical accidents is very low. And now, with the cleaning that is carried out daily in the devices (which before did not happen with this zeal) they are also very clean places; so it is now safe, in more ways, to get on a plane.

IATA informs us that the chances of getting it during a flight are 1 in 27 million. Even assuming that this data is 90% wrong, the infection rate would be 1 in 2.7 million people. We live on an island, from which we can only leave by plane (since we do not have a system of boats or ferries) and it has been proven that, taking the appropriate hygiene and safety measures, you can travel without ending up sick.

It is very important to get to where you are going with everything planned. In these times there should be no room for improvisation. Unfortunately, we have seen many people suffer when they leave, for going on trips without proper advice.

Today more than ever we suggest hotels to other types of accommodation. And hotels of recognized and large chains, because they take hygiene and biosecurity very seriously. Some of these hotel emporiums have prepared their protocols, contracting the largest hospitals in the United States. They make high technology available to check in, for example. It gives us access to the apps, because in them we will find all kinds of information about the services that we may need in the hotel, such as meals, room service, gym, swimming pool, etc.

Until now, it is not necessary to present a negative test to enter the Dominican Republic. This measure, for many controversial, serves to generate foreign interest in Dominican tourism. The destinations where you do not have to present evidence to enter, today, are attractive destinations for tourism. More our country, which sells beaches. These wonderful open spaces that generate a sense of security.

The biggest difficulty in presenting the test is the access to take it and then the expiration time. The countries require that it not have more than 72 hours of the sample taking and other countries, only 48 hours prior.

EYE we should not expect anyone to force us to take care of ourselves; we must take care of ourselves; each individual is the supreme interest of him.


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